Monthly Archives: July 2008


I don’t really know what to say, but I feel like I should post…despite the fact that absolutely nobody reads this!

I need to start writing more. I need to return to the seemingly articulate person I once was, and not just some ditzy sorority girl. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my sorority, to death. I love how it’s given me so many opportunities to grow and the friendships it has given me. And while I am so, so proud to be an AOPi, I don’t want my sorority to be the only thing that defines me. Yes, it is and will continue to be a huge part of my life. However, I think I have mentioned before that being a sorority girl doesn’t always carry the positive connotation I would like to think it does. People associate “sorority” with words like “dumb”, “partier”, “shallow”, etc. I want to prove those people wrong more than anything, but it goes without saying that it’s not easy to change minds. By showing people that I am an intelligent, level-headed, profound (for lack of a better word), I hope to be able to shed that negative stereotype. There are so many great people in Greek life, but there are also so many great people who aren’t Greeks either, and I just want to be friends with all sorts of people!


Okay, this is going nowhere fast and I’m not making a whole lot of sense. I should probably shut up.

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Work update…

The good news is that my boss now knows my name. And that’s the only good news…


I am trying so, so hard to stay positive about this job. However, it’s not working very well. I come home in a bad mood and am usually in a bad mood on days I have to work (usually 5 days a week). I am so tired from work because I am standing for anywhere from four to seven hours. My back and feet hurt…this can’t be good! 

On the other hand, I know this is a valuable learning experience for me and every time I clock in to start my shift, I become more and more thankful that, in just 42 days (thanks Dashboard countdown!) I will be going back to my education and never have to work at the FCC again. Some people who work there didn’t even finish high school; this job is their living. I know I was not cut out for food service, and luckily, the way it’s going I’ll have an internship during my long winter break and, I hope another internship or something of that sort next summer.

My boss just has the worst temper and there have been times where I have almost snapped and tore the smile off my face and the sweet voice that I try to maintain when speaking to her has nearly turned into a growl. There are some days when I don’t think I can do it anymore. I can’t quit…I’m trying to make money. Money. Money. Is it bad that my paycheck is the only thing keeping me sane?

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My first taste of the real world…

…was bitter.

my first day of work was actually Monday, but today went how I think the rest of the summer might go: terribly.

First of all, my boss can’t even remember my name. She kept calling me Chris, introducing me to people as Chris, etc. THAT IS NOT MY NAME. I repeatedly told her my name was Liz but she continued to ignore it and kept calling me Chris, and then got pissed when she would say, “Chris” and I wouldn’t turn around. Sorry I don’t answer to a name that isn’t mine!

Secondly, my boss is as blind as a bat. For example, a customer didn’t want mushrooms on his burger, so I wrote “no mush” and underlined “no”. She put mushrooms on it and when I said he didn’t want mushrooms, she said, “well why didn’t you write it down?” I grabbed the ticket and pointed out that i had clearly written it down.

Thirdly, I’m 18 years old. I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to be serving alcohol in my state until I turn 19. So why am I constantly roundin’ up some brewskies for old guys and their golfing buddies? Oh, and, sorry D (my boss) I don’t know how to make a vodka tonic. Yes, I know it can’t be that hard but who’s the one who keeps calling her employee “Chris”?

Needless to say, I will not be keeping this job after this summer, and it is even more motivation to do well in school and continue my education so I will not be stuck in a minimum-wage rut for the rest of my life.

On a brighter note, I think winter break will be INTERNSHIP BREAK! My mom has some contacts at a local magazine, one of whom is an alumna of my university…cha ching!

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Life must be pretty good if my biggest worry is a TV show

I have a lot to write about but I don’t feel like typing it all out. I do, however, feel like talking about tonight’s episode of Legally Blonde the Musical: The Search for Elle Woods. I’ll admit it, I can be a real sucker for reality TV, especially on MTV. I don’t like The Real World or Making the Band but shows that aren’t really serial like this I seem to get attached to. For example, Miss Seventeen a few years back.

Anywho, tonight’s episode  really upset me.  If you haven’t watched it yet and want to,  stop reading because there are going to be spoilers!

I’ve been watching the show since its start, and I quickly picked Bailey as my first choice and Emma as my second. I thought both of them fit the part and were really talented. So when Emma was cut tonight, I was pretty disappointed. I’m happy Bailey did so well because she was my first choice but I really supported Emma too because she quit smoking to do better and she was battling bronchitis to do better. It is really hard to quit smoking. I don’t know from personal experience, but my roommate this year tried and since I was around her so much I got a taste of how difficult it is. I thought it was really unfair that Emma was cut, because I know she busted her butt and while Autumn is talented, I just can’t see her as Elle Woods.

I just hope Bailey stays!

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