Tag Archives: first post

I leave the stars to judge

I was reading the latest issue of Nylon (a great issue, by the way – SO many artists/bands I want to check out), and I came across an article on Welsh pop star Duffy. It caught my eye because in her picture she just looked so innocent; it was adorable. I listened to a few previews of her songs on iTunes and then bought her entire first album, “Rockferry”, and it was worth every penny. I’ve had a really busy week, and Duffy’s music put me in such a good mood. CCFMDS on Nerd Society put it best when he said, “Duffy’s voice will remind many of Amy Winehouse, but perhaps not as edgy or gritty as Ms Winehouse’s.  There’s more of sweetness to Duffy’s vocals.” I liked Amy Winehouse for a little bit, but her voice started to annoy me. Anyway, apparently Duffy’s a lot bigger in Britain than she is over here in the U.S. I’m sure it won’t stay that way for long, though.

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