Tag Archives: tennis

some not so great news

This post is going to be a bit of a vent…and since the only people who seem to read my blog are spammers, I don’t feel too bad about it. However, in case a real person does happen to read this, I figure I should forewarn them.

This afternoon I went to go pick up my sister from her tennis lesson and her instructor is the same guy I had back when I did lessons. It’s been not even two years since I’ve seen him last and today I was sitting in the waiting/pro shop area off the indoor courts and he comes off the courts and looks right at me. I smile and open my mouth to say hi but he didn’t even say a word! I don’t think my looks have changed so drastically within the past two years that he wouldn’t recognize me. I also realize that he has taught a lot of people but he was my coach for like 4 years! It just made me a little sad…so I’m hoping next time he might recognize me and say hi.

Secondly, I got my grades for spring quarter. I lost my scholarship. I’m not too disappointed because it was only for $500…but, still, it’s kind of embarrassing. My parents aren’t disappointed like I thought they’d be. It’s been a year with a lot of ups and downs and they realize that. I didn’t fail any classes this year, and I didn’t get any D’s either. I got a few C’s though, and that really screwed me over. It just makes me want to work that much harder during the next 3 years so I can get a decent cumulative.

I saw Atonement for the first time tonight. I really liked it and it made me want to read the book. I have it, and I started to read it a few years ago but never finished it.

Okay, enough of this. I’m going to bed.

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