Tag Archives: Emma

Life must be pretty good if my biggest worry is a TV show

I have a lot to write about but I don’t feel like typing it all out. I do, however, feel like talking about tonight’s episode of Legally Blonde the Musical: The Search for Elle Woods. I’ll admit it, I can be a real sucker for reality TV, especially on MTV. I don’t like The Real World or Making the Band but shows that aren’t really serial like this I seem to get attached to. For example, Miss Seventeen a few years back.

Anywho, tonight’s episode  really upset me.  If you haven’t watched it yet and want to,  stop reading because there are going to be spoilers!

I’ve been watching the show since its start, and I quickly picked Bailey as my first choice and Emma as my second. I thought both of them fit the part and were really talented. So when Emma was cut tonight, I was pretty disappointed. I’m happy Bailey did so well because she was my first choice but I really supported Emma too because she quit smoking to do better and she was battling bronchitis to do better. It is really hard to quit smoking. I don’t know from personal experience, but my roommate this year tried and since I was around her so much I got a taste of how difficult it is. I thought it was really unfair that Emma was cut, because I know she busted her butt and while Autumn is talented, I just can’t see her as Elle Woods.

I just hope Bailey stays!

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