Tag Archives: work

Work update…

The good news is that my boss now knows my name. And that’s the only good news…


I am trying so, so hard to stay positive about this job. However, it’s not working very well. I come home in a bad mood and am usually in a bad mood on days I have to work (usually 5 days a week). I am so tired from work because I am standing for anywhere from four to seven hours. My back and feet hurt…this can’t be good! 

On the other hand, I know this is a valuable learning experience for me and every time I clock in to start my shift, I become more and more thankful that, in just 42 days (thanks Dashboard countdown!) I will be going back to my education and never have to work at the FCC again. Some people who work there didn’t even finish high school; this job is their living. I know I was not cut out for food service, and luckily, the way it’s going I’ll have an internship during my long winter break and, I hope another internship or something of that sort next summer.

My boss just has the worst temper and there have been times where I have almost snapped and tore the smile off my face and the sweet voice that I try to maintain when speaking to her has nearly turned into a growl. There are some days when I don’t think I can do it anymore. I can’t quit…I’m trying to make money. Money. Money. Is it bad that my paycheck is the only thing keeping me sane?

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