Tag Archives: Looking for Alaska

We have to forgive to survive the labyrinth

***WARNING: If you have not read Looking for Alaska by John Green, but think you might want to (look up the bio at Amazon if you’re not familiar) do not read this post! Spoilers are sprinkled throughout!

I devour books. It’s as simple as that. I learned to read at the age of three and haven’t stopped since. On my  Facebook, the little place where it has you list the books you like is longer than any of the other sections. Do not expect me to go into a bookstore or library for shorter than 45 minutes.

Since I have been back in civilization (home, and for about 3 days) I have read two books, 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson and Looking for Alaska. I really liked 13 LBE (enough for it to go in my “Books” section on Facebook),  but I absolutely loved Looking for Alaska. I’ve never read anything quite like it. It was a unique story idea, with the basis of last words and everything. I look forward to reading John Green’s other book, An Abundance of Katherines. The first two chapters were printed in the back of LfA.

I wish I was more articulate tonight. I have to save all of my brain power for an extra credit paper for philosophy. On the bright side, it only has to be three pages…but, alas, it is philosophy…

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