An eventful past couple of days

I’m in Memphis, and I have been since Saturday night. We were going to split the trip up and stop in Nashville and drive the rest of the way yesterday, but at the last minute we decided to truck on through. We (me, my mom and my sister V) took my car down and I drove from Columbus to Louisville and then Jackson to Memphis. It was nice to get more experience on the interstate because I’m used to mainly city streets with stoplights and everything.

When we got in we ate at Corky’s with my aunt, uncle, and cousin A. Afterwards I felt sick, like I’ve been feeling so often since I came home from school. I’ve had almost a constant headache and a lot of what I eat gives me indigestion…so, I don’t know what’s wrong. My mom says it’s just me getting used to eating food that isn’t dining hall food and not having a set schedule anymore. I went along with it for the first few days, but I’m wondering if it should really be taking this long for me to adjust.

Yesterday we went out to the barn where A keeps her horse and we got to watch her ride. Then we went to a place called Newk’s for lunch and then a kind of outdoorsy place called Kinnucan’s. I saw a ton of stuff in there that I wanted, but I didn’t get anything. I’m hoping we’ll go back before the week is over. A’s friend J  came over shortly after we came back and we hung out with her and played Guitar Hero and such. My aunt made dinner with stuff my mom and I picked up from the grocery store. After watching No Reservations with A and V, I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until about 10:30 this morning when my mom called. She, V and I had lunch over at my grandma’s place and then A came over and we all went across town to Rhodes, where my mom went to college. Right after I took a picture in front of the AOPi house there, we ran into some AOPis who showed us around their apartment and some other parts of the campus. The library was impressive compared to my school’s, but the football stadium and student center were just mediocre. After a quick trip to Old Navy and Starbuck’s, we headed home and I’ve just been hanging out ever since. My mom wants to go to the zoo tomorrow but we’re not sure if we’re up for standing outside in the humidity all day. Shopping instead? I wouldn’t put up a fight!

Sorry this was so long…I really should stop apologizing, though…I really don’t think anybody reads this. If you do, say hi!

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